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Product Updates & Enhancements
Templates for Launching & Scaling Your Prefab Business
August 20, 2024
Offsight 2.0 will offer templates for prefabrication to seamlessly transition from manual processes and spreadsheets to our fully collaborative solution. Whether you are launching and designing your prefab factory, bidding on multiple prefab projects or scaling your factory operations, Offsight’s templates can streamline your day to day activity. We guide you in building robust plans for prefabrication, forecasting your production schedule, estimating your prefab project costs, and designing your prefab factory layout and processes to fit your upcoming projects.

Get started planning and forecasting your project schedule and labor needed for your upcoming prefab projects. Our planning templates are specific to the product you are prefabricating and provide predefined resource allocation requirements for labor and materials based on the manufacturing process and historical data. You can tailor and modify the template constraints to optimize cost requirements and accelerate your project delivery and schedule. 
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