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Factory Labor Tracking and Advanced Analytics
February 7, 2025
With Offsight 2.0’s Labor Tracking & Timesheets capabilities paired with our Real-Time Analytics feature set, prefabricators and their partners can fully track labor directly from the shop floor. Get an accurate understanding of how you are consuming labor on factory projects, tie in hours worked by operator on specific processes or products to improve efficiencies and drive the full cost advantages of offsite construction. Leverage Offsight 2.0’s robust analytics dashboards to breakdown labor consumption by product, work area or process. Manage your real time labor costs to achieve your project goals.
With Offsight 2.0 you can track your workforce productivity from the shop floor and accurately measure idle time, when operators are not working on products in designated work areas. Cut down your idle time to improve productivity and efficiently utilize your labor resources. Understand which processes or stages in your assembly regularly experience idle time or lost labor productivity to improve your overall prefab process and ensure labor cost savings over traditional construction.
With Offsight 2.0’s Labor Log you can get accurate track how long it takes operators to complete processes in your factory assembly and manufacturing workflow (eg. framing, sheathing, welding, etc.). Pair Offsight’s labor capabilities with our Production & Quality Tracking feature set and our Forecasting & Estimating to build accurate plans and forecasts for prefab projects. Set your product process and cycle times off of historical data to build a highly accurate project plan and schedule. Then live track your prefab progress against this plan to make sure you are achieving your project delivery targets.
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